How To Automate Your Home With Smart Plugs


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how to use smart plugs

Smart plugs are devices that plug into your regular wall outlets and allow you to control and monitor the appliances and devices that are connected to them. They are easy to use, affordable, and versatile, making them one of the most popular smart home devices on the market. But what can you do with smart plugs besides turning things on and off remotely? Here are some ideas on how to automate your home with smart plugs and enjoy their benefits.

Save Energy and Money

One of the main benefits of smart plugs is that they can help you save energy and money by reducing the amount of energy used by devices that are not in use. For example, you can use smart plugs to turn off your TV, gaming console, coffee maker, or any other device that consumes power even when it’s not in use. This way, you can avoid wasting electricity and lower your electricity bill.

Some smart plugs also let you track the energy consumption of the plugged devices, giving you a better understanding of how much power they use and how you can optimize their usage. You can also set up alerts or schedules to turn off devices automatically after a certain amount of time or when they’re not needed.

Increase Comfort and Convenience

Another benefit of smart plugs is that they can increase your comfort and convenience by allowing you to control your devices remotely. For example, you can use smart plugs to turn on your lights, fans, heaters, or air conditioners before you get home, creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. You can also use smart plugs to turn on your kettle, toaster, or microwave in the morning, saving you some time and hassle.

You can also use smart plugs to automate your daily routines and tasks. For example, you can use smart plugs to turn on your music, news, or podcasts when you wake up, or turn off your lights and lock your doors when you leave. You can also use smart plugs to create scenes or scenarios that activate multiple devices at once with a single command or trigger.

Enhance Security and Safety

Smart plugs can also enhance your security and safety by making your home look occupied when you’re away. For example, you can use smart plugs to turn on and off your lights, TV, or radio at random intervals, creating the illusion that someone is home. This way, you can deter potential burglars or intruders from targeting your home.

You can also use smart plugs to prevent accidents or hazards by turning off devices that could cause fire or damage. For example, you can use smart plugs to turn off your iron, hair straightener, or stove if you forget to do so manually. You can also use smart plugs to turn off devices that could harm your pets or children if they’re left unattended.

Expand Your Smart Home

Finally, smart plugs can expand your smart home by making any device smart. Smart plugs are compatible with most plug-in devices, so you can use them to connect devices that are not natively smart, such as lamps, fans, heaters, or speakers. This way, you can enjoy the benefits of smart home technology without having to replace your existing devices.

Smart plugs are also compatible with most virtual assistants, such as Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, etc., allowing you to control them with voice commandsYou can also use platforms like IFTTT to connect your smart plugs with other apps, services, or devices. This way, you can create custom applets or rules that automate your smart plug actions based on various triggers or conditions.

Common Appliances That Work Well with Smart Plugs

Not all appliances work well with smart plugs. The main requirement for an appliance to work with a smart plug is that it has a physical on/off switch or turns on as soon as it’s plugged in. This means that appliances with electronic switches or buttons may not work well with smart plugs because they may not remember their state after being turned off by the plug.

Some examples of appliances that work well with smart plugs are:

  • Lamps and lights: You can use smart plugs to turn on and off your lamps and lights remotely or on a schedule. You can also create scenes or moods with different lighting settings.
  • Kettles and coffee makers: You can use smart plugs to turn on your kettle or coffee maker before you wake up or get home. You can also set up timers or alerts to remind you when your drink is ready.
  • Fans and heaters: You can use smart plugs to turn on your fans or heaters before you get home or go to bed. You can also adjust the temperature settings remotely or automatically based on the weather.
  • TVs and stereos: You can use smart plugs to turn on and off your TVs and stereos remotely or on a schedule. You can also save energy by avoiding standby mode and use voice commands to control them.
  • Crockpots and slow cookers: You can use smart plugs to turn on your crockpot or slow cooker before you leave home and have a delicious meal ready when you get back. You can also monitor the cooking time and temperature remotely.
  • Pet feeders: You can use smart plugs to turn on your pet feeder remotely or on a schedule. You can also check the food level and dispense treats for your furry friends.


Smart plugs are simple but powerful devices that can automate your home and make it smarter. By using smart plugs, you can save energy and money, increase comfort and convenience, enhance security and safety, and expand your smart home. All you need is a smart plug, a wall outlet, a WiFi connection, and a smartphone app. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself some smart plugs today and start automating your home!